TOP 3 1. Brian Wright "Desolate" $300 2. Frank Reavey "Shine" $100 3. Edmund Jonah "The Kiss" $50
Anne Campbell "THE BOTTOM LINE" Andrew McNally "Family." Ben Sharpton "He Was A Quirky Kid" Danny C. Knestaut "The Comfort" Jana Burson "Precious Memories" Jennifer Peckinpaugh "ALIVE AT 5" John J. White "Beneath the Wintry Sky" Kelly Inglis "Resignation" Kilgore Bass "Penthouse" Lauren-Lee Raaths "Serendipity" Louise Harte "A Mother’s Love" Mark Long "Soul Trader" Richard Millard "The Silver Prize" Steve Wade "Once There Were Rabbits" Zoe Gilbert "Salt Stain"
Aaron Ure "When We Were Naked" Alana Eising "The Music Box" Angus Cooper "The Atrocity of Life" Ashley Baker "The Swan Song of My Youth" Caitlin Henderson "What a Man can do with a Good Turnip" David Bridge "East Wing" David Templeton "The List" Denise Melville "Touched by the Devine Truth." Ellen Brady "The Letter" Elina Koudriakova "If Only…" Fujiya Babu "THE DOORWAY TO HELL" Geeta Sahai "Pa, what’s your world like?" Hayley Mills "Poison Rain" Jacqueline Williams "E C H O" Jessica Pritchard "Glenda & Barry" Kaja Steinbuch "mushrooms" Katya Lindsay "The One Who Knows" Kimberly M. Starks "Cries from the Treehouse" Kola Yoka "THE KILLER FROM HELL" Layal Rafeh "THE GIRL AND THE KNOT" Margaret Gregory "Quest of Atlantis" Nina Sachs-Simpson "Someone to Keep Forever" Padraig De Brun "Supersonic" Phillip McCollum "Beta-Carotene" Susan R. Nash "ROTHKEALE" Suzanne Attar "Mr SMS" Tiffany Posey "The List" Tony Burnett "Dust Dancer" Wendy Williams "She Could See No Other Solution"
Many great stories have reached the shores of the Atlantis Short Story Contest 2011.
At this point, we would like to thank every author who submitted a story to our contest.
Furthermore, we want to highlight that every story could shine with brilliance, admittedly one
less, one more. In the end, we had to get it down to the best of the best. It was a real tough task to
master, because there were much more stories that could have been ranked among the best.
You might be wondering what happened about the Top 15 and Top 40. Well, there were many great
stories radiating excellence and therefore we wanted to value those entries who ranked very well.
Consequently, we present the Top 18 going down to the Top 50.
From April 04, 2012 we will send out the coverages. We will do this step by step due to the large
number of feedbacks that have to be e-mailed to the authors. The Top 18 will receive in-depth feedback,
while the Top 19 - 192 will receive a brief feedback covering less aspects.
>> Every author should receive her/his coverage no later than April 15, 2012. Please briefly confirm the receipt! <<
For your information: The Atlantis Short Story Contest 2012 will opens its gates very soon.
We will send every participant an invitation for the upcoming contest.
Thank you for submitting 192 amazing stories!
All important announcements will be published on our website. So check back once in a while!
Last update: April 04, 2012